अष्टावक्र उवाचः
मूढ़ की निवृति भी, प्रवृति रूपी है तथा,
ज्ञानियों की प्रवृति है, रूप निवृति की यथा ----६१
मूढ़ का वैराग्य तो, गृह आदि में दृष्टव्य है,
देह में लय राग धीर का, ब्रह्म ही गंतव्य है.----६२

भावना या अभावना में, मूढ़ जन आसक्त हैं,
किंतु ज्ञानी जन की दृष्टि आत्मा अनुरक्त है.-----६३

करे बालवत व्यवहार ज्ञानी, कामनाओं से परे,
प्रारब्ध वश रत कर्म, रत न भावनाओं को करे.----६४

देखता, स्पर्श, सुनता, सूंघता खाता हुआ,
आत्म ज्ञानी, धन्य सम मन, निस्तरण पाता हुआ.-----६५

सर्वदा आकाश वत ज्ञानी, सदा निर्विकार है,
आभास, साधन, साध्य, और उसका कहाँ संसार है.-----६६

जो समाधि सहज में, और पूर्णानन्द स्वरुप में,
सतत ही करता रमण, जय जयति अपने ही रूप में.-------६७

निराकांक्षी तत्व ज्ञानी, मोक्ष में और भोग में,
राग द्वेष विहीन हर पल ब्रह्म के संयोग में.------६८

भिन्नता अज्ञान है, जो द्वैत का आधार है,
जो आत्मबोध प्रबुद्ध, उसका छूटता संसार है.----६९

विश्व मात्र प्रपंच ज्ञानी के लिए कुछ भी नहीं,
चैतन्य आत्मा अनुभवी को, तुच्छ सारी भी मही .---७०
[काव्यानुवादः डॉ. मृदुल कीर्ति]


Ashtavakra said:

Even abstention from action has the effect of action in a fool, while
even the action of the wise man brings the fruits of inaction. 18.61

A fool often shows aversion towards his belongings, but for him
whose attachment to the body has dropped away,
there is neither attachment nor aversion. 18.62

The mind of the fool is always caught in thinking or not thinking,
but the wise man's is of the nature of no thought because
he thinks what is appropriate. 18.63

For the seer who behaves like a child, without desire in all actions,
there is no attachment for such a pure one even
in the work he does. 18.64

Blessed is he who knows himself and is the same in all states,
with a mind free from craving whether he is seeing, hearing,
feeling, smelling, or tasting. 18.65

There is no one subject to samsara, no sense of individuality, no goal
or means to the goal in the eyes of the wise man who is always
free from imagination and unchanging like space. 18.66

Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation
of the satisfaction, which is his very nature, and whose inner
focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous. 18.67

In brief, the great-souled man who has come to know the Truth is
without desire for either pleasure or liberation, and is always
and everywhere free from attachment. 18.68

What remains to be done by the man who is pure awareness
and has abandoned everything that can be expressed in words
from the highest heaven to the earth itself? 18.69

The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains
peace by virtue of his very nature, realising that all this is
nothing but illusion, and that nothing is. 18.70

[Translation by John Richards]