नक उवाचः
देह वाचिक मानसिक, कर्मों को कर स्वच्छंद हूँ,
चैतन्य आत्मानंद स्थित, पूर्ण परमानंद हूँ.-------१

शब्दादि इन्द्रियों के प्रति, अब प्रीति भाव अभाव है
अब विक्षेपों का न आत्मा पर भी कोई प्रभाव है,----२

मैं आत्म रूप हूँ, अतः इन नियमों के न वयवहार हैं.-----३
ग्राह्य -त्याज्य वियोग निःसृत , दूर हर्ष विषाद से,
अब हूँ यथावत आत्म स्थित, ब्रह्म ज्ञान प्रसाद से -----४
आश्रम , अनाश्रम, ध्यान वर्जन, आदि से उन्मुक्त हूँ,
इनसे परात्पर आत्म स्थित , आत्मा उन्मुक्त हूँ.-----५

त्याग और संकल्प मन के, मूल में अज्ञान हैं ,
न मन मेरा अब कर्म कर्ता और न उपराम है.------६

ब्रह्म चिंतन भी है बंधन, उससे भी उन्मुक्त हूँ,
आत्मा में ही हूँ प्रतिष्ठित, आत्मा से संयुक्त हूँ.------७

यदि आत्मवत ही स्वभाव स्वतः, वह तो कृत - कृत धन्य है,
ज्ञानी हैं वे भी, स्वयम पायें, या कि साधन जन्य है.------८
[काव्यानुवादः डॉ. मृदुल कीर्ति]


Janaka said:

First of all I was averse to physical activity, then to lengthy speech,
and finally to thought itself, which is why I am now established. 12.1

In the absence of delight in sound and the other senses, and by the
fact that I am myself not an object of the senses, my mind is focused
and free from distraction -- which is why I am now established. 12.2

Owing to the distraction of such things as wrong identification, one is
driven to strive for mental stillness. Recognising this pattern
I am now established. 12.3

By relinquishing the sense of rejection and acceptance, and with
pleasure and disappointment ceasing today, brahmin --
I am now established. 12.4

Life in a community, then going beyond such a state, meditation
and the elimination of mind-made objects -- by means of these
I have seen my error, and I am now established. 12.5

Just as the performance of actions is due to ignorance, so their
abandonment is too. By fully recognising this truth,
I am now established. 12.6

Trying to think the unthinkable, is doing something unnatural to
thought. Abandoning such a practice therefore,
I am now established. 12.7

He who has achieved this has achieved the goal of life. He who is of
such a nature has done what has to be done. 12.8

[Translation by John Richards]