जनक उवाचः
ब्रह्मा से ले पर्यंत तृण, जग शेष हो तब भी मेरा,
अस्तित्व, अक्षय , नित्य, विस्मय, नमन हो मुझको मेरा.---11

मैं देहधारी हूँ, तथापि अद्वैत हूँ, विस्मय अहे,
आवागमन से हीन जग को व्याप्त कर स्थित महे.-----12

मुझको नमन आश्चर्यमय ! मुझसा न कोई दक्ष है.
स्पर्श बिन ही देह धारूँ, जगत क्या समकक्ष है.------१३

मैं आत्मा आश्चर्य वत हूँ , स्वयं को ही नमन है,
या तो सब या कुछ नहीं, न वाणी है न वचन है.------१४

जहाँ ज्ञेय, ज्ञाता,ज्ञान तीनों वास्तविकता मैं नहीं,
अज्ञान- से भासित हैं केवल, आत्मा सत्यम मही.------१५

चैतन्य रस अद्वैत शुद्ध,में,आत्म तत्व महिम मही,
द्वैत दुःख का मूल, मिथ्या जगत, औषधि भी नहीं.-----१६

अज्ञान- से हूँ भिन्न कल्पित, अन्यथा मैं अभिन्न हूँ,
मैं निर्विकल्प हूँ, बोधरूप हूँ, आत्मा अविछिन्न हूँ.------१७

में बंध मोक्ष विहीन, वास्तव में जगत मुझमें नहीं,
हुई भ्रांति शांत विचार से, एकत्व ही परमं मही.-------१८

यह देह और सारा जगत, कुछ भी नहीं चैतन्य की,
एक मात्र सत्ता का पसारा, कल्पना क्या अन्य की -----१९

नरक, स्वर्ग, शरीर, बन्धन, मोक्ष भय हैं, कल्पना,
क्या प्रयोजन आत्मा का, चैतन्य का इनसे बना.----२०
[काव्यानुवादः डॉ. मृदुल कीर्ति]



How wonderful I am! Glory to me, for whom there is no destruction, remaining
even beyond the destruction of the world from Brahma down to the
last clump of grass. 2.11

How wonderful I am! Glory to me, solitary even though with a body, neither going or
coming anywhere, I who abide forever, filling all that is. 2.12

How wonderful I am! Glory to me! There is no one so clever as me! I who have
borne all that is forever, without even touching it with my body! 2.13

How wonderful I am! Glory to me! I who possess nothing at all, or alternatively
possess everything that speech and mind can refer to. 2.14

Knowledge, what is to be known, and the knower -- these three do not exist in
reality. I am the spotless reality in which they appear because of ignorance. 2.15

Truly dualism is the root of suffering. There is no other remedy for it than the
realisation that all this that we see is unreal, and that I am the one stainless reality,
consisting of consciousness. 2.16

I am pure awareness though through ignorance I have imagined myself to have
additional attributes. By continually reflecting like this, my dwelling
place is in the Unimagined. 2.17

For me here is neither bondage nor liberation. The illusion has lost its basis and
ceased. Truly all this exists in me, though ultimately it does not even exist in me. 2.18

Recognising that all this and my body too are nothing, while my true self is nothing
but pure consciousness, what is there left for the imagination to work on now? 2.19

The body, heaven and hell, bondage and liberation, and fear too, all this is
pure imagination. What is there left to do for me whose very
nature is consciousness? 2.20

[Translation by John Richards]